DMA Family Forum

Members of the DMA Family Forum enjoy family-focused events with art activities and learning for adults and school-aged children.
DMA Family Forum
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Family Forum
$1,000 ($761 tax deductible)

Members of the DMA Family Forum receive four exclusive events a season, in addition to upper-level DMA membership benefits. Your membership is good for an entire year, so no matter when you join, you receive a full year of events and benefits!

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​Exclusive Family Forum level benefits
  • Annual Fall Kickoff: Celebrate a new season of Family Forum events and DMA exhibitions with a cocktail party for members and friends.
  • Family Forum Photo Sessions: Make a lasting memory and have your family captured by beloved Dallas photographer Tamytha Cameron here at the DMA. 
  • Winter Family Day: Family Forum members and their children spend a day exploring an exhibition and engaging with it in a hands-on, creative way, followed by an exhibition-themed party.  
  • DMA Date Night: Enjoy a date night out with fellow DMA Family Forum parents at the DMA. Share a cocktail after hours and go on a curator-led tour of a special exhibition.  
  • DMA Summer Art Camps: Members of the DMA Family Forum receive a discount and first access to the highly coveted lineup of the DMA’s Summer Art Camps.  
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Plus, the following Museum benefits
  • Four tickets per day to all special exhibitions and to each Late Night (cardholder must be present)
  • Free parking in the DMA's underground garage during Museum hours (based on availability)
  • Discounts in the DMA Store and DMA Cafe, and on select programs
  • Reciprocal admission to hundreds of art and history museums across North America
  • Members-only exhibition talks and preview days
  • Digital or printed version (when available) of the DMA Member e-magazine, Artifacts
  • Invitations for two to DMA Member exhibition opening celebrations and select DMA Circle preview receptions
  • Gift membership at the $120 Supporter level


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2023–2024 DMA Family Forum Calendar of Events
  • Fall 2023 | DMA Family Forum Photo Day: Members of the DMA Family Forum are invited to sign up for portrait sessions with one of Dallas’s favorite photographers, Tamytha Cameron. Photos from each session are made available for free download. Members can use this time to take family or couple portraits, as well as updated headshots.
  • Winter 2024 | DMA Family Forum Family Day: DMA Family Forum members and their children (or nieces/nephews) are invited for a private docent-led tour of the latest contemporary exhibition, Afro-Atlantic Histories, before the Museum opens to the public, followed by an exhibition-themed party in the DMA’s exclusive Founders Room, overlooking Ross Avenue Plaza. Members will enjoy exhibition-themed art activities, a hands-on presentation about art conservation by Fran Baas, the DMA’s Objects Conservator, and refreshments.
  • Spring 2024 | DMA Family Forum Impressionist Night Out: DMA Family Forum members gather at the DMA for an adult-only cocktail party in the DMA’s Hamon Atrium, followed by a curator-led tour of The Impressionist Revolution from Monet to Matisse.
  • Spring 2024 | DMA Circle Exhibition Opening Celebration*: DMA Family Forum members are invited to the VIP Circle opening reception for When You See Me. Members will enjoy a reception with remarks and face time with our curatorial staff, followed by exhibition viewing.  


*DMA Family Forum members are invited to exclusive DMA Circle events as opportunities arise. More events will be announced as the season progresses.


Questions? We're here to help! Contact Caroline Irvin at  214-922-1272 or for more information.

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